Karin From Scotland Although Karin was diagnosed with PR initially she now also has RA. "Hi, Bonny's ankles and hands are just like mine. Although I don't have Fybro. My knuckles appear to be sinking into oblivion, you can only see them now if I make a fist."
Here are some more Photos from Karin, also a name and explanation of what it happening to her joints/bones etc. SUBLUXATION SUBLUXATION - definition, Bones and tendons get damaged and muscles become weaker causing the joint to become unstable. This means that the joints slip out of shape and deformities develop. In the hands this starts to happen early in the disease. ( the wrist or knuckles slip downwards - this is when the joints partially dislocate) ( source : ARC RA information booklet page 5) Right Hand/Knuckles Left Arm Right Foot/Ankle.
If you have any PR photos you want to share with us send them to iprs@palindromic.org |